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Best Lawn Fertilization


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We Offer Effective Lawn Fertilization in & Around Lincoln, Hickman, Seward, & Crete, NE

Keep your lawn nourished all year long with our comprehensive fertilization service.

Lawn Care Services in Lincoln, NE

Most property owners know that regular fertilization is the most important step towards a healthy, beautiful lawn. However, who has the time to fertilize their property as regularly as they need to? Our lawn care professionals at Yard Boss have the solution for you. We offer a comprehensive, 5-step fertilization program that includes weed control and grub control treatments. Our program even ends with a winterizing fertilizer treatment designed to help your grass survive the winter and green up faster in the spring. If you're still not convinced, we also offer a 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee. We offer this program to property owners in Lincoln, Hickman, Seward, Crete, NE, and surrounding areas. Call our lawn care professionals at (402) 418-2233 to sign up today!

What does our fertilization program schedule look like?

Our fertilization program consists of 5 steps that begin in the early spring and end in the late fall. We apply fertilizer during all 5 steps of our program, but also provide a grub control treatment and weed control treatments throughout the program. During the first step, our team will apply a balanced mix of fertilizers that will promote the quick, early growth of your grass; we also apply a granular pre-emergent weed control treatment to prevent new weeds from growing. During the second step, we apply a second round of fertilizer and a second round of pre-emergent weed control. Step three consists of the third round of fertilizer and an application of a preventative grub control treatment. Step four involves the application of a fall fertilizer containing a higher level of nitrogen that will protect your grass from the impending fall weather. During the final step, we will apply a winterizing fertilizer to prepare your grass for the winter. Throughout each step of the program, we will spot spray any weeds that happen to grow using a liquid post-emergent weed control treatment.

Our fertilization program prepares your lawn for the winter season.

Lawn Fertilization Service In Crete, NE

The fifth and final step of our fertilization program involves the application of our winterizing fertilizer treatment. Winterizing fertilizer is high in nitrogen, which will provide your grass with the nutrients it needs to survive the winter season and increase your turf's resistance to winter issues such as snow mold. Our winterizing fertilizer treatment not only prepares your lawn for the winter but also helps your grass green up faster in the spring.

We apply pre-emergent and post-emergent weed control treatments throughout our fertilization program.

While having essential nutrients supplied to your soil throughout the year is great, it is certainly not enough. To give your lawn everything it needs, our fertilization program includes both pre-emergent and post-emergent weed control treatments. This ensures that your grass never has to fight for resources to thrive. Our pre-emergent weed control treatments will stop the germination process of weed seeds before they can grow into full-blown plants and our post-emergent treatments will take care of the weeds already fully grown on your lawn.

Lawn Fertilization & Weed Control Program

Our fertilization program comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Our lawn care team at Yard Boss is the perfect choice for your lawn because we are experts at what we do. We have the knowledge and expertise to keep your property in great shape all year round. If you are not completely satisfied with our fertilization program, we will re-do the service for free. If you are still displeased, give us a call and we will address any problems ASAP.

Call our lawn care professionals to sign up for our fertilization program today!

Lawn Fertilization

Our lawn care professionals at Yard Boss offer the perfect comprehensive fertilization program for anyone interested in upgrading their lawn's overall health and appearance. If you are a property owner in Lincoln, Hickman, Seward, Crete, or a nearby area in Nebraska, call us at (402) 418-2233 to sign up for our fertilization program today!

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(402) 418-2233

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